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Snoring & Sleep apnea

What is a polysomnography test?

admin 3197 views April 20, 2020

When a doctor recommends you do a polysomnography test, you may wonder what it is. Polysomnography is a study of sleep in which experts record and monitor your sleep patterns and sleep stages, and detect any sleep disorders you may have. During a polysomnography study, doctors record:

  • brain waves; 
  • eye movements;
  • heart rate;
  • breathing rate;
  • limb movements; 
  • chin muscle activity;
  • oxygen in blood;
  • chest and abdominal movement;
  • snoring.

After the study, you’re provided with a diagnostic polysomnography report with detailed information about your sleep patterns: how many times you woke up, how much time you spent in each sleep stage, and whether you snore or at least have difficulties with breathing while sleeping. Based on that data, doctors can determine a diagnosis and prescribe you appropriate treatment and suggest you what to do next. 

As you now know what a polysomnography test is, let’s see how it helps to detect sleep apnea disorder.

Polysomnography for sleep apnea 

If the data of the polysomnography test suggests you repeatedly stop breathing during some sleep cycles, you might be a sleep apnea risk. Diagnosing sleep apnea through  polysomnography is more reliable and secure as you’re under a specialist’s control. But be aware: the test takes the whole night and maybe held at a hospital or your home. 

Since air supply is decreased for people suffering from sleep apnea, your doctor can recommend a continuous positive airway pressure machine (CPAP). Polysomnography with CPAP will provide you with a constant stream of air, keeping airways open. This machine delivers more pressure when you breathe in and lower pressure when you exhale.

Never hesitate about taking a test as polysomnography for sleep apnea will give you valuable information that is not lying around. Moreover, this test doesn’t carry any risks, so consult a doctor and ensure your sleep doesn’t become a luxury. 

You can check the early signs of sleep apnea with the aid of Goodsomnia Lab. It’s free snore tracker that gathers your snore decibels info and habits every morning by translating your night body language into a useful sleep report.

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