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Snoring & Sleep apnea

Dry mouth and snoring: meeting points

admin 9795 views February 27, 2020

How do people figure out whether their snoring? A loud noise is usually the first thing that comes to mind. But, it’s only an indirect signal which makes the problem visible if you live with other people.

What happens if there is no one around to tell you about it? Don’t worry, because there are signs that you can notice yourself, such as a dry mouth.

The link between snoring and dry mouth is simple. Usually, we breathe through our nose during sleep. Once you can’t get enough air, an additional channel opens, and this is our mouth. This increases the chances of airway blockage that can lead to snoring. Dry mouth issues occur under the same circumstances. As you can see dry mouth and snoring issues have similar origins. What about a cause and effect relationship?

Can snoring cause dry mouth?

Just follow the chain of physical reactions. Snoring develops when throat tissues fail to keep the airways open enough to ensure comfortable airflow. Relaxed tissues start vibrating and provoke harsh distinctive sounds.

Snoring causes a dry mouth because of an open mouth. You can experience a sore throat in the morning due to a lack of moisture in your upper airways. A dry mouth can also be a symptom of diabetes, Alzheimer’s, or sleep apnea. All these disorders can develop if you leave your snoring untreated. And that’s where dry mouth, sleeping, and snoring meet again. 

Diagnose and treat

As you know, snoring, dry mouth, and sore throat are tightly connected. The faster you start treating any of them, the easier it will be to eliminate the rest.

Dry mouth is not something that requires special tools for its diagnosis. If you notice morning dryness for a while or you regularly wake at night to get water – your body is signalling a problem. Does snoring cause dry mouth all the time? No, it doesn’t. But for effective treatment, it’s necessary to exclude this risk. 

One of the easiest ways to monitor your snore is to use Goodsomnia Lab snore recorder app. It records all noises during your sleep. If there is any snore identified, the app measures the intensity and warns you about the risks, and comes up with recommendations in correcting the lifestyle. A regular record builds a general picture of your snore which can be interpreted by your healthcare specialist in further treatment. 

Dry mouth and throat snoring often come together. Listen to your body and keep your sleep healthy!

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