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Snoring & Sleep apnea

What are the side effects of snoring?

admin 4278 views November 4, 2019

Knowing why we snore and how to reduce it is important but what’s useful is to understand how snoring sounds influence us. If you wonder what is a snoring sound, the five possible snoring side effects and how does snoring affect sleep, we’ll dig a little deeper into the topic.

Snoring sound effect

Snoring isn’t often associated with a serious sleep disorder. We consider a snoring sound as if it doesn’t influence our health and can be ignored. But snoring is a common symptom of OSA and may indicate a serious health condition. Many people snore daily, but for some, it may be a chronic problem.

Harsh, loud and frequent snore sounds every night is a sign. What’s more, snoring is not only about a snorer; their closest people also suffer. Thinking how snoring affects sleep on your bed partner statistics show 40% of partners sleeping with a snorer claim it affects their mood and wellbeing. 

Side effects of heavy snoring

Healthy sleep should be quiet, and when fully rested, we can recharge our mind and settle down our emotions, thoughts and knowledge. To give you a picture of what happens when we experience low quality sleep while we snore, here are five side effects of heavy snoring:

  1. A tendency to have heart diseases
  2. Mental problems
  3. Decreased sexual desire
  4. Increase the chance of strokes
  5. Drop-in oxygen level

Loud snoring sound effects can also influence us in many ways, with daytime sleepiness, headaches and weight gain. Overall, snoring is like a butterfly effect. If only one person snores, the sound effect impacts on other life spheres. Reduce snoring and rest starts to adjust.

How does snoring affect sleep?

There’s no question that snoring can affect sleep. It influences directly and in a bad way. We’ll discuss the key problem habitual snorers face: does snoring affect sleep quality?

Firstly, long-term snoring leads to OSA. Interruptions in breathing for more than 10 seconds is a sign of obstruction and airway blockage. Secondly, snorers don’t pass the whole sleep cycle. They might sleep lightly as their body tries to be awake.

This happens because we need to put effort to keep the muscles tense enough to maintain airflow. It results in anxiety, fatigue, daytime sleepiness and mood swings. That’s why maintaining sleep hygiene and detecting snoring is critical. Because the right treatment, at the right time, is vital.

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