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Snoring & Sleep apnea

Sleeping with snorers: a life sentence?

admin 2931 views February 22, 2020

Close partners are an essential part of our lives as much as sleep is. However, if you’re sleeping with a snorer, it might be challenging to get any quality rest.

Snoring is a common problem among children and adults. Up to 40% of men, 24% of women, and 10% of children suffer from it. You might think you’re lucky if you don’t face this problem. Still, it’s hard to say what’s worse: to be a snorer or to live with one.

Sleeping with someone who snores can cause unpleasant issues like neglecting your sleep, creating tension between partners etc. Turning a blind eye to the problem is not a solution. However, there are some tricks on how to sleep with a snorer:

How to sleep with someone that snores

Good news. It’s possible to sleep with someone snoring and not only in separate rooms!

Firstly, let them partner know their snore is starting to bother you. Sometimes people are unaware of their noisy sleeping or refuse to admit it unless they have evidence (a record, for example). 

Secondly, encourage them to seek action. Snoring can be a symptom of sleep apnea, a serious condition, characterized by uncontrolled breathing pauses during sleep. The faster you exclude this risk, the easier it’ll be to avoid further health issues.

Sleeping with snorers can get easier through joint effort. Basic lifehacks for your partner include:

  • Avoiding alcohol and smoking;
  • Changing their sleep position (but not the back);
  • Adopting an active life (keeping muscles and hormones in tone);
  • Maintaining a healthy sleep routine (set hours, minimizing gadgets, eating light at night).

For your part, try:

  • Encouraging your partner to observe the above;
  • Use a white noise machine (it swallows contrasting sounds from inside/outside the room including snoring);
  • Wear earplugs; 
  • Record your partner with an app;
  • Apply a stop-snoring device.

If you don’t know how to sleep with a snoring partner, the tips should bring you closer to the solution. 

Modern solutions for treating the snorer

It’s worth focusing more on the latest achievements in the sphere of snore diagnosis. The tips for sleeping with a snorer increasingly mention snore recording apps and stop-snoring devices.

The apps fix all snoring episodes overnight, analyze their frequency and intensity, and present prior conclusions and personalized recommendations.

Stop-snoring devices are divided into several types: 

  • Mouthpieces: they fix the chin or the tongue to keep airways open;
  • CPAP machines: a mask that creates the necessary pressure to ensure normal airflow (usually used for treating sleep apnea);
  • Others, such as nasal strips, vestibular shields, etc;
  • A smart stop-snoring device – a non-invasive method that’s like an electronic toothbrush and stimulates the muscles of the soft palate through impulses, which, in turn, improve throat muscle tone and prevent snoring.

Goodsomnia AB can help find a solution to sleeping with a snoring person. We offer a free app with extended options that provide numerous snorers’ solutions. Check out our products and enjoy sleeping with your partner again!

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