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Snoring & Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea and breathing machine: how they affect you

admin 2738 views November 6, 2019

Have you ever experienced a sudden awakening while asleep? The reasons can be different from a nightmare to your bed partner saying “wake up, it’s 2pm already.” Among the reasons can be sleep apnea, we’re going to focus here. The sleep apnea breathing pattern is easily detected, so we’re going to figure out what exercises and sleep apnea breathing devices may be helpful.

Sleep apnea and breathing

To compare, obstructed sleep with healthy sleep, the main difference is prolonged stops in breathing or apneas that can last for 10 to 30 seconds or longer. Depending on the number and duration of stops, they can be mild, moderate and severe sleep apnea. Stop breathing more than five times per hour is abnormal and will trigger you to see a doctor.

Sleep apnea and mouth breathing issues can occur because of genetics, unhealthy lifestyle, extra weight, heart diseases, and if you’re male. Talking about the difference between Cheyne stokes breathing and central sleep apnea, the critical thing here is that CS commonly happens in patients with heart failure. This increases chemoreceptor sensitivity, reduces cerebrovascular blood flow and awakes you at night. 

Sleep apnea and breathing exercises

Preventing sleep apnea and breathing problems is huge, and you can do it in two ways, through anti-snoring devices or naturally by doing sleep apnea breathing exercises. Here’s some you can try.

  1. Push the tongue tip against the roof of your mouth and slide the tongue backwards. Then the back of your tongue must be downward against the floor of your mouth while the tongue tip should touch the bottom front teeth. Repeat every 20 times.
  2. In case of sleep apnea, breathing through the mouth can be improved through an easy stretch for your soft palate. Open your mouth as wide as you can while saying “ah” in the back of the throat. Continue for 20 seconds. 
  3. With your mouth open, move your jaw to the right and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on the left side.

You may also try diving breathing exercises that are more focused on breathing techniques but having OSA demands a more serious approach. Training your mouth breathing and sleep apnea treatment is connected but seeing a therapist is a must.

Breathing machine for sleep apnea

A breathing machine is the most common tool from OSA. These breathing machines for sleep apnea are called CPAP, which means continuous positive airway pressure. 

CPAP is popular among people who suffer from OSA as you can use it on your own without leaving home. You wear a breathing mask  over your face, so the ventilator blows into the lungs. A breathing mask for sleep apnea is a must to maintain the proper level of oxygen in the blood.

These should be used throughout the day depending on the individual case. It’s recommended to use CPAP at least 6 hours per night to reduce the long-term health risks of OSA. Be ready to feel uncomfortable at first, but then the body adapts. If sleepiness isn’t resolved after 4-6 weeks of using the device, consult a sleep specialist.

Keep in mind; any OSA can only be is treated if detected at the right moment. So, keep your sleeping under control. 

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