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Snoring & Sleep apnea

How to stop snoring with mouth exercises

admin 15780 views July 10, 2019

The main reason for snoring is because the throat muscles and tissue lose their tone. It happens partly because of age, partly because due to our lifestyles. In any case, you should begin to keep your throat and palatal muscles fit. The best way is exercising as specific physical activities can help you to stop snoring naturally by warming up all the throat muscles. We have gathered 5 snoring exercises that work and explained why it helps to reduce snoring or even sleep apnoea symptoms.

How anti-snoring exercises work

Using various remedies can be helpful to tighten up the tissue and strengthen the airway muscles. But it will not take snoring away. Most anti-snoring devices have a local and short-time effect. That’s why you should be very precise while choosing one. For example, Goodsomnia stop-snoring device solves the local problem but doesn’t just mask it for some time. It works like a muscle massager and stimulates the muscle, making them stronger and tighter, so they don’t provoke snoring. If you want to improve your sleep without wearing anti-snoring appliances think about anti snoring exercises.

Getting some exercise is never a waste of time. Physical exercises help the body stay but also avoid snoring. It was proved that snoring exercises help tighten throat and soft palate muscles, which make the airways stronger, reduces the severity of sleep apnea, and improves overall sleep quality. Three parts of your body takes part in this activity: mouth, tongue, and throat. Stop snore exercises prevent tissues from flapping and collapsing.

Anti-snoring exercises

  • Singing

Singing daily can be one of the home exercises to reduce the severity of snoring naturally. It was proved in 2000 in a UK study: a group of 20 snorers were assigned to take singing lessons for 20 minutes every day. The experiment lasted 3 months and then researchers compared the participants’ snoring recordings before and after the study. The result: a big drop in snoring of every participant.

  • Tongue curlers

The name says for itself. You need to slide the tip of your tongue backward along your hard palate as far back as you can but try to keep your mouth open. Recommended repeating 20 times each day.

  • “Aahh” effect

Try to say “Aahh” in a less comfortable way. Push back the tongue along the palate or lift up the soft palate and uvula. Once you practice this exercise, train to raise your uvula without making a sound.

  • Move your cheeks

You may engage many parts of your face to practice no snore exercises. For instance, try to pull your cheek out with your finger and by using your cheek/mouth muscles try to pull the finger back in.

  • Playing the didgeridoo

In 2005 The British Medical Journal reported that regular didgeridoo playing could be an effective treatment for obstructive sleep apnea. Didgeridoo is a long wooden wind instrument played by Australian Aborigines to produce a long deep sound. This is a great alternative of mouth tongue exercises for snoring because you need to blow and work with lips at the same time.

Depending on how you move your mouth and use the throat the sound changes. You can even create different sounds by talking, making noises or narrowing the tongue, cheeks, and the lower jaw. These exercises for snoring problems train the throat, oral muscles and effectively help against snoring. If you haven’t found a didgeridoo at your place, no worry there’re other stop snoring mouth exercises that may be right for you 🙂

Practices to prevent snoring

If you haven’t become a victim of snoring or sleep apnea, it’s high time to think about exercises for snoring prevention. The fact we usually take snoring for granted leads us to undiagnosed and untreated sleep diseases. That’s why it’s better to have some easy-to-do snoring control exercises that we can practice even on the way to the office. Here are some you can try for yourself.

  • Repeat each vowel (a-e-i-o-u) out loud for three minutes a few times a day.
  • Place the tip of your tongue behind your top front teeth. Slide your tongue backward for three minutes a day.
  • Close your mouth and purse your lips. Hold for 30 seconds.
  • With your mouth open, move your jaw to the right and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on the left side.

Note, that anti-snoring exercises aren’t your bonanza. You shouldn’t ignore exercises like running, swimming or just active walking. Eating healthy food, sleep not less than 8 hours and avoiding stress – all these matter. So, take snoring seriously.

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