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Snoring & Sleep apnea

How snoring affects relationships

admin 7659 views March 27, 2020

Silence is a critical factor for good and healthy sleep. Noises steal not only your sleep but your relationship or marriage too. Today we’ll look at how snoring affects a relationship, how snoring affects your partner, and how to deal with them. 

Partner snores: the problem for both

A snoring partner can have a bad influence on your health. A partner who snores keeps you up, bothers your sleep cycle, and as a result, you feel sleepy in the morning, your concentration falters and work performance suffers. A study found that 63% of people with severe sleep apnea reported relationship problems mostly because their partner snored. Night noises shouldn’t become a thing you put up with and below we explain why.

How snoring affects relationships

If your partner snores or you’re a snorer, get ready for challenges. As sleep is a part of life, we have some patterns of sleep behaviour we’re comfortable with.

But when another person jumps into our bed environment, we face difficulties. When snoring becomes that hot point, you may start to think of how snoring affects my marriage,  my mood, overall health, and life. Here are some life spheres that snoring may influence:

  • Reduction of sexual performance
  • Energy reduction
  • Mood swings 
  • Bed conflicts

Keep in mind: the effects of snoring on a partner. Your snoring partner suffers not less than you, so blame is not a way out. Better to talk and devise an idea on how to reduce snoring effects on your partner and you as well. 

Snoring partner and sleep deprivation

Usually, snoring affects your partner in an unpleasant way, such as irritability and moodiness. Even the most patient of us will draw a line at sleep deprivation. The effect of snoring on partners is difficult to avoid, so both need to handle the problem sensitively.

Here are some tips on how to cope with a situation when one partner is a snorer, and another is sleep deprived because of it.

  • Talk. Both should express their emotional and physical feelings
  • See a doctor. Go together and devise solutions.
  • Compromise. For example, if you have an important presentation at work tomorrow and you know your snoring partner may disturb you, sleep one night separately.
  • Track progress. When it comes to sleep diseases, tracking is essential. It helps you to know the amount of snoring, its volume, frequency and predict sleep apnea. Goodsomnia Lab is an excellent app as it takes control of all these things and even more. 

Remember: snoring is unpleasant. So, it’s essential to discuss, understand each other and deal with it as a team as a relationship should be much stronger than a snoring issue.

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