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Snoring & Sleep apnea

How sleep apnea links to diabetes

admin 3610 views December 19, 2019

There have been numerous studies that have tried to link sleep apnea with diabetes. There was once a study published in the American Journal, there was said that cases of patients have both conditions just surface. Yet, another clinical study disproved the hypothesis that sleep apnea causes diabetes. But 48% of people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes have been diagnosed with sleep apnea. And researchers believe 86% of obese type 2 diabetics suffer sleep apnea. But how sleep apnea causes diabetes remains largely undiscovered.

Diabetes and sleep apnea relationship

Before discussing the existence of a connection between sleep apnea and diabetes, let’s look at diabetes. It’s a disease that occurs when blood glucose/sugar levels are too high. Speaking about diabetes can’t include the word “insulin” as it’s a hormone that controls the movement of glucose in the cells.

Here we get closer to the sleep apnea and diabetes connection. Because of high glucose levels and the body’s inability to produce enough insulin, people with diabetes gain weight, increase heart and blood vessel disease risk, increase neck area and decrease mobility. All this, as you’ve guessed, are causes of OSA. Admittedly, it doesn’t mean diabetes and sleep apnea are linked because there can be many more factors.

Sleep apnea and diabetes types 

Obesity is considered to be the key moderator of OSA in people with diabetes. The difference between 1 and 2 types diabetes is the reaction to insulin. People with type 1 don’t produce insulin, and mostly occurs in children, while those with type 2 diabetes don’t respond to insulin, and this is more common among adults.

Having sleep apnea and type 2 diabetes is more likely to happen than sleep apnea and type 1 diabetes. People with type 2 diabetes, in most cases, have hypertension as these two conditions go hand-in-hand. The relationship between cardiovascular diseases and OSA is proved, so the risk of having both sleep apnea and diabetes type 2 is very high. 

Obstructive sleep apnea and diabetes

Although the connection between obstructive sleep apnea and diabetes isn’t entirely clear, we need to increase awareness of these issues. Improving sleep hygiene, healthy daily habits and monitoring sleep, weight and body state are essential. Fragmented sleep may be caused by many factors from your snoring partner to diabetes. So, pay attention to your body to decrease the risk of obstructive sleep apnea, diabetes and other diseases. 

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