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Snoring & Sleep apnea

Home tips for sleep apnea sufferers

admin 9013 views May 15, 2020

Staying at home 24/7 may be challenging, but most people usually find something to keep themselves occupied. Today, we won’t be giving you an online course on how to stop snoring at home, but some handy tips to tackle sleep apnea, instead.

Tips to help sleep apnea

Firstly, remember OSA is a sleep disorder that demands treatment. People with sleep apnea don’t get enough oxygen during sleep, and sometimes it can lead to other sleeping issues.

So, it’s not a home-handle thing; you have to see a specialist and get treatment. If your condition isn’t severe, you may try different home tips for sleep apnea, like these: 

  • Keep your head up. Your head should be up to six inches off the bed. A special pillow can help elevate your head;
  • Sleep on your side. Avoid sleeping on your back as it makes your tongue and soft tissues obstruct your airwa. Know more here.
  • Use oral/nasal appliances. There’s nothing unusual about using a nasal dilator, breathing strips, or a nasal irrigation system. Choose one that suits you best.

Tips for sleeping with sleep apnea won’t entirely rid you of OSA but, at least, you can reduce the impact of the disease on your health. So, go ahead, implement them and experience the results.

Sleep apnea prevention tips

Though tips for sleep apnea sufferers may also work as sleep apnea prevention tips, we want to draw a line between these two practices. Preventing OSA is more challenging as you need to be more precise with your condition and have strong self-control. Check out this advice to avoid OSA:

  • Keep a healthy weight: Often gaining extra pounds is the main reason for snoring and the biggest OSA symptom. Losing weight may lower your neck size and chances of developing apnea.
  • Practice yoga: Yoga can improve your respiratory strength and encourage oxygen flow. Know how exercises help you sleep here.
  • Monitor sleep: This sleep apnea tip doesn’t demand lots of effort. Use Goodsomnia Lab to track your sleep quality and snoring at night.
  • Use a humidifier. If your sleep apnea is due to dry air, a humidifier can help as it opens your airways, decreases congestion, and encourages clearer breathing.
  • Set a sleep routine. Quarantine is a good time for new habits, such as taking a healthy 8-9 hours of sleep!

This article may read as if its ‘Tips for living with sleep apnea’, but we don’t want you to put up with apnea. We want you to live life, control it and experience good healthy sleep.

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