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Snoring & Sleep apnea

Diet for sleep apnea: eat and exercise

admin 17781 views November 18, 2019

Snoring is a huge issue, but it’s not always perceived as a problem. If your snore is regular and loud, it might signal breathing pauses while you’re sleeping. There is a high chance you have sleep apnea.

There is one thing you have to be aware of: the chances of getting sleep apnea grow alongside your body weight and age. Fat accumulated around the neck creates obstacles for normal breathing. So one needs to consider a diet for sleep apnea.

There is one more obvious reason to control what you eat if you have snoring-related problems. People who snore tend to develop other health issues, such as diabetes. Thus, diet for sleep apnea patients excludes products high in cholesterol, carbs, saturated fats, and other pseudo-nutrients. 

There are many cases when by correcting the diet, sleep apnea becomes less severe or disappears. Let’s look at the magic list of food you have to eat to deal with this problem.

Key features of sleep apnea diet plan

The quality of your sleep matters. When you’re tired, you may want to eat more and don’t feel satisfied when you do. The facts are that every second patient with sleep apnea is overweight. That’s why diet and sleep apnea go hand-in-hand. It’s easier to overcome the former when you avoid alcohol, refined sugars, red meat, processed food, and opt for lighter natural products. 

Keeping to a plant-based diet for sleep apnea will be a great idea. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and cereal are the sources of nutrients that give you long-term saturation and don’t take much energy to process.

If you can’t imagine life without meat, choose poultry and fish over beef and pork as they’re easier to digest. 

Even a 10% loss in body weight promotes a 30%-50% reduction in sleep apnea severity. However, calories burn faster not just by observing the sleep apnea diet plan but with physical exercise as well.

Why sleep apnea diet and exercise should always go together

It’s not necessary to explain the importance of the physical activity. But when you suffer sleep apnea exercise is not just a recommendation, it’s a must.

Snoring is what signals the lack of oxygen in our bodies. Exercise is what increases the blood flow and brings more oxygen to our organs. Apnea exercises don’t have to be anything special, just regular and diverse. 

Sleep specialists recommend focussing on neck and legs when doing apnea cure exercises. These areas are inclined to fluid accumulation, thus creating pressure on surrounding vessels and the blood flow.

As you can see, sleep apnea diet and exercise can be used as effective at-home methods to improve the quality of your sleep and partly fight a disorder.

Remember that snoring can grow into a severe problem. Consider consulting a specialist if it bothers you or your close ones. Plus, you can always use the Goodsomnia Lab app which monitors your snore and predicts further problems.

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