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Goodsomnia AB: who we are?

admin 4665 views May 24, 2018

Goodsomnia AB is a new global player in stop-snoring solutions and health-screening technology, using special, wearable devices and own SaaS platform. We are on a mission to improve the health and wellbeing of everyone who snores around the globe.

We started a few years ago with a small team and headquarters in Stockholm (Sweden). Now we are a strong team of passionate people with knowledge in advanced technology which can help people to improve their health, and revolutionize snoring treatment.

Snoring is a problem for a lot of us. According to recent global studies, snoring can cause many chronic diseases and even significantly reduce life expectancy.

According to the statistics, 5.6% of children, about 40% of males, and 19% of females in the world suffer from snoring. Another 59% of people claim that their partner snores.

Identifying the cause of this problem is the first step towards enjoying your night’s sleep again. Once you get to the bottom of why you snore, you can find the right solutions for a quieter, deeper sleep. And it means you can improve your daily wellbeing and become generally healthier.

Our company is passionate about reinventing the future of healthcare and well-being. Our mission is to transform and improve human health around the globe, by combining the most progressive medical tools of health screening, algorithms, and innovative technology for snoring detection, prevention, and elimination.

Goodsomnia builds on the vision of one of the company founders and CEO Hans-Jörgen Henriksson, a serial renowned entrepreneur and former tech innovator.

Over many years he has obtained several global patents and is now creating the best solution for sleep and heart analytics.

Goodsomnia’s team consists of leading professors, doctors, engineers and developers in the specialist areas of snoring treatment, sleep and heart medicine. We also invite researchers around the globe to help us achieve this important mission.

A synergy of our products assists people who snore to live healthier by providing personalized insights into how they sleep, breath and snore during the night. It helps to detect snoring and mild apnea, and provides the best stop-snoring solution.

Thousands of times a day we help people on their path to better health. We have an active and supportive role in shaping the future of healthcare and we strongly believe this will facilitate healthier lives around the World.

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